How Weird (This is our 100th Post)
You should check out my post from the 15th because apparently when you save something as a draft it publishes it on the day you started it, not the day you finished it. Life is just full of little surprises.
You should check out my post from the 15th because apparently when you save something as a draft it publishes it on the day you started it, not the day you finished it. Life is just full of little surprises.
I wrote this in an email to Elsa but I thought I'd share it with the blogging world too:
I was just going to say that today was weird no going to church and all. We did not get any snow until late tonight so I don't think that we'll get much.
I have my first pre-calc test Monday so I have been studying for that. Yuck. Other than that I have not done very much with my day. I helped Daniel study for Spanish. I wrote in my journal. I got wrote and email. I got a shower. I ate some food, twice. And I am now writing a blog post. Wow, what an exciting life I lead. I need to study some more if I don't want to fail so I guess off I go. Sorry this was a waste of your time.
Waiting stinks. I hate waiting especially when I hope I'm waiting for nothing. It's going to be a long day. I really don't want to back to school or work. I really don't care about work and school but I really don't like today all the sudden.
Here follows and old post and an incomplete one at that, but one I figured I might as well post rather than just delete... after all I did take the time to write it...
On my way home from work I was cold, tired and feeling like once again my day had the usual lack of having done anything exciting or worth-while. As I passed the spinning wheel diner I read that it was 15 degrees tonight. No wonder I was cold.
I was quickly home and the car only slid a little bit on my way up the drive. As I parked in the garage I thought about bringing in some of the many CDs that have accumulated in both doors but quickly decided once again that I just didn't feel like it. It was too dark to see anything was my excuse; you see the interior light in my car does not work at all. I proceeded across the drive way and up the walkway to our house, but before I reached the door I noticed one of our sleds leaning up against the side of the house. I didn't feel much like going inside so I decided I'd try out the sled real quick. I put down my purse, grabbed up the sled and slid down the slight incline of my front yard. It was pretty fun and carried me all the way across the yard down to my neighbor's fence. Through the fence, in the neighbors field, is a pretty decent hill so I decided to craw under and try it out real quick, before I really started to get cold.
And that's where I stopped writing... cause there my phone jumped out of my pocket and died and I cried.
But to make a long story short (and explain the cow picture) here is a brief description of the rest of what happened. I slid under the hot wire fence and went down the hill and it was an amazing ride. I had to dig my heals heals into the snow to keep from going too far too fast. Oh, and my hands were so cold because no gloves will do that. Once I got to the bottom I heard a noise coming from the woods which I thought, I hoped, were just deer. Wrong. Four huge, big horned steer come walking towards me. I walk away slowly at first but then as they start to gain on me... I run. Not caring if the wire was hot or not I slid under there as fast as I could. Then I ran inside to make sure I still had fingers because I definitely could not feel them and it was almost too dark to see.
And so you think that would be good enough, but no. Fifteen minutes later Daniel and I are out there again. See it's no fun to do these things alone. Dangerous stunts are nothing with no one to see them. Though it took much convincing I finally got him under the fence with me. The only problem was that Dori came too. We were just walking to the point on the hill we would sled from and she starts barking. Apparently the steer like barking even less than just sledding and this time they came running and not walking. We ran! It was dark. It was slippery. We still ran! Or at least I did. I dove under the fence panting fiercely and realized Daniel was not right behind me. Major oh no. But no sooner had I though that than he appeared beside me. Somewhere between screaming and crying we rushed back into the house, Dori following close after. Once we reached warmth and safety Daniel told me he had slipped, tried to pull himself back up using some small trees and maybe hide behind. It did not take him long to realize hiding was not such a good plan. Upon seeing me on our property and realizing safety was not far away he scrambled under the bottom wire and without a further glance behind us we both headed to the house in haste. What a night. Lesson: sledding with big horned steer, not as rewarding as you would think, and completely terrifying if you at all value life.
So it was still a long story, but there you have it.
It's really not funny, just when I thought I was finished with the dentist I get a really bad toothache. The whole right side of my face hurts. I want to cry... that also might be because my iPod decided to go back to
It sounds like such a middle school question, but I'm curious. I mean I'm taking this education field experience class. At first I was grumpy 'cause one of the texts (just a collection of different short essays and such) was pretty expensive. But as it turns out I like it. We have had two readings in it so far and they have been short and to the point, a good point... well written articles. We have to write a two page response to each one we read and I don't mind doing it at all. I like education, learning how to be a teacher. And I like reading and writing. Suitably my major is in Elementary Education with the specialized content area of English.
Snowflake on a nose,
As I went out a Crow