
Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Fruit: Pineapple?

Hey. My guess is that this is going to be a short post, but sweet. I love Colvin with all my heart. (See I told you it'd be sweet.) You know the song from "My Fair Lady"...
I could have danced all night. I could have danced all night, and still have danced some more. I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before. I'll never know what made it so exciting, but all at once I'm fill with glee. (then comes much humming 'cause I don't know the words.)
Well it was stuck in my head all day long and I have to admit that even at work I couldn't help dancing in sqares: one-two-three, spin-two-three, while the kids were napping. Tonight work called and so tomorrow I work 9 to 6, a good eight hour day. Wait, that means I have to get up early...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


It's no fun coming home to an empty house. Ok, well my house isn't exactly empty but it is missing one key thing, Elsa. After having her for two short days it's hard to come and be without her. I know I get to see her again in a few days and then get over two whole weeks with her but it's still hard. I can't wait for next weekend to come. Then summer really starts.

Of course I can't complain about this past weekend either. It was busy and all but defiantely good times. A little less work would have been nice but I'll live. Today was a pretty much perfect day. It was really hot and humid but I had a nice ride up to Southampton with Elsa, Daniel and the Whites. Services at both Southampton and Mt. Carmel were fine and after Southampton everyone went out to dinner so Elsa and my seperation was delayed. After dinner Elsa, Daniel and I went outside and sang hymns. Eventually Anna joined us and it was much fun. You know what else? Waltzs are fun. I never thought I'd say that but they are. Elsa and I learned/practiced dancing them in the parking lot after dinner. Crazy as it sounds, that was definately the best part of my day.... on second thought maybe that's not so crazy.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tomorrow night I get to see Colvin! Just thought I'd let you all know...
Plus a completely random picture of my cats...

Sam (orange). Taylor (black). Sophie (grey).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fish Don't Eat Fake Food

So this was today. Daniel and I went fishing at Round Valley. We caught a few but brought nothing home. They were little. We went with little five worms because we were too lazy to dig for more and thus quickly ran out of live bait. Fact: fish do not like fake bait. Yeah, so we discovered that there fact and then I went swimming (up to my knees) and we took some pictures and we packed up. But it was fun. I talk on the phone to Kathyrn for a while which was nice. Not much else. I'm sure that all you guys who read this blog are out having fun after Wednesday night services at Mt. Carmel. I'm presently trying not to be jealous and feel lonely. I guess I'll just go do the dinner dishes and then get a shower and then read a few more pages of "Gone With The Wind" while I wait for my dear Colvin to call. But, hey, I'll see you guys this weekend...

Monday, June 12, 2006

I Am Batman!!!

Ok well I'm not but if I was I'd own your face. Ok well I still own your face because I'm awesome like that. After all I majored in awesomeness. Later.

Work, Work, Work (And Some Other Stuff Too)

I worked thirty-four hours last week. It's driving me to the brink of insanity. Thankfully I only work four and a half hours today and not at all tomorrow but by the end of the week I will have worked close to thirty. Work, work, work it seems like it's all I do. I can't wait for vacation because work is seriously bumming me out. It can't stay happy and undepressed when I'm working this much. It's just driving me crazy. I wish I was still a kid. I wish I didn't have to think about saving for the future or picking a major or finding a career or anything like that but I guess the bottom line is that I do so I should just get over it. I have plenty to look forward to when it comes to the future so I don't know why I'm complaining. I'll get over myself don't worry. vacation will bring me out of it but it can't seem to get here soon enough.

Yesterday was an awesome day though. I think it was a combination of the fact that I didn't work and that I got to see Elsa, but mostly the later. What can I say, I love her. She makes me happy and maybe it's selfish of me to want to see her more than once a week but I wish I could. I can't help it, I miss her. Such is the way of love from afar. Someday though... someday.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Head Thoughts Ache

I have a wee-bit of an headache but I'll type my thoughts anyhow. I'm excited about this summer. Excited for several reasons:
1) warmth and sunshine and not winter
2) vacations: namely, Disney World, Kings Fest, Nags Head
3) getting to be with Colvin for all of those trips
4) no school! (for which I am thankful every day)
5) a good job that gives me good hours which means good money
So that's it for right now. I'm sure there are more reasons I love summer but I am failing to think of them and don't mind failing. I have been trying to eat just three meals a day instead of snacking 24/7 but that is hard and so I'm hungry and waiting for dinner. But it's all good. oh right and we are getting a new dog this Monday. She is part lab, part samoy, all white and pretty. Her name is Neala. I think Dori will be happy to have a friend.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

About Not Golfing

Mini golf shouldn't close at 7:30. But if it must it must. We'll make it next time. Today was, um, a day. Not a whole lot happened but maybe what did happen just shall not be shared...
Anyway, so I beat my Tetris high score and read some more of my book and went to Southampton and saw Colvin and sat next to him during Elder Smith's sermon and stopped him from playing bass in the middle of the preaching and ate food after services without it being my idea and fail at playing mini golf and drove home and talked to Daniel about odd shaped people and got home and ran away from the wet dog and then, well here I am. I'm thinking that was a run-on but school is over so I don't care. It makes it sound like I did more with my day.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Over the Hill

I guess I better post an entry before everyone starts complaining that I haven't in a while. I guess I haven't mostly because I've been busy. Yup I started working. Yea work!!!! Ok not really but working at Target is better this time around. Barely but I think it actually is. I'm making more money and the thing they hired me to do actually isn't too bad but then again right now I'm really doing just what they hired me to do I'm doing five billion different jobs, well maybe only four. I'm done with work for the week which means I have thirty-six whole hours before I have to go back and then I work thirty-four hours in one week. It'll all be worth it though, I've got plenty to save up for. It really is a shame that money is so important, but the fact of the matter is that it is so I guess I better keep on keeping on and earn some.

Oh and just so you know horses are pretty cool but definately not meant to be ridden. I also know for a fact that several people are going to tell you I'm wrong but only one of their opinions matter.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Sky Cries For Me

This is going to be a grumpy post, so don't say I didn't warn you. If you're not in the mood for a grump stop reading now. So here goes... It's raining and all around yucky outside. Not even pretty light to watch or thunder to listen to, just wet gross rain. Rain that got in my car cause I was smart and cracked my window a whole inch and a half. So it is rain that also soaked my left leg while I drove home mangry and crying. I'm mad and sad and frustrated. My job at the YMCA that told me I would get more hours in the summer is failing and more than that, they are giving me less. They are giving the few hours I did have to someone else. While I was in school I worked 3 to 6 mon. tues. thur. and fri. with an occasional 8 hour friday if they needed because I didn't have class. Next week they gave the sub job in my room to Beth and also randomly my 3 to 6 on Friday. So last week I worked 9 hours this week and will be doing the same next week. That's barely enough money to put gas in my car let alone pay for school and any other crap I need.Can you tell I'm mad? I'll need to get another job soon and that is not something I wanted to have to deal with. I was happy. I thought I had a job. Okay so now that I got that off my chest... The financial aid forms I needed to fill out were due yesterday and by my own genuis I managed to screw that up. I deactivated my pin number and now have to wait for them to send me a new one. Watch me get no aid and no money from the half of a job I have. And watch me fail at life. Oh wait, but here is the good fortune (from a cookie) I got last Sunday sitting next to Colvin at a Chinese buffet. I believe it with all my heart. I wish nothing else existed but me and my Happiness.