
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What's your favorite subject?

It sounds like such a middle school question, but I'm curious. I mean I'm taking this education field experience class. At first I was grumpy 'cause one of the texts (just a collection of different short essays and such) was pretty expensive. But as it turns out I like it. We have had two readings in it so far and they have been short and to the point, a good point... well written articles. We have to write a two page response to each one we read and I don't mind doing it at all. I like education, learning how to be a teacher. And I like reading and writing. Suitably my major is in Elementary Education with the specialized content area of English.

It's math, this trig stuff is going to drive me up a wall. I feel as if I've already reached my limit and it's only the third week of class. It's not a good feeling. It's not like I'm trying to complain or be whiny, I'm not. It just amazes me how different I can feel about two classes. Someone please help me if there is a way that I can get a better attitude about math. I do try; I want to not hate it. You see it's hard to put so much time and effort into something you hate so if I got to the point where I could tolerate it, it would be so much easier to do the stuff I have to do.

Really I'm not complaining, other than Precalculus II school is going very well. My job is good. Things are fine at home. I'll be going away this weekend. Things with Colvin are great. I can't wait to see him. As a whole life is good and I'm very undeservingly blessed to be able to say that.


Blogger tag said...

Am I exempted from the question? I used to like theatre, art, and english best. Oh, and I loved science before I found out it had numbers in it. I should probably stop there...

11:30 PM  
Blogger itshouldbsummer said...

no you're not exempted. you can still like all those things even if you're not in school... you might even like them better cause you're not in school and not forced into them according to someone else's time schedule.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...

i like my literary class, and thats about it.

well, i also kinda like my history class, just not the mountains of work it gives me that i should be doing right now.

dont know what to tell you about trig...i have no idea how to like a subject you hate.

12:31 PM  
Blogger thecolvinator said...

Not taking the attitude that you hate it just because it's math might help. You like to get the idea that your going to be overwhelmed by something before you even try it especially when it comes to math. Don't treat it like a math class that you just because it's math your going to hate just because of what it is. Treat it like any other class. If you find you don't like it then you just push through. You didn't like the class from before the first number hit the board. It's just a class you go you take notes you do the assignments you get a grade. If come into it with a bad attitude you'll leave with one.

1:43 PM  

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