Head Thoughts Ache
I have a wee-bit of an headache but I'll type my thoughts anyhow. I'm excited about this summer. Excited for several reasons:
1) warmth and sunshine and not winter
2) vacations: namely, Disney World, Kings Fest, Nags Head
3) getting to be with Colvin for all of those trips
4) no school! (for which I am thankful every day)
5) a good job that gives me good hours which means good money
So that's it for right now. I'm sure there are more reasons I love summer but I am failing to think of them and don't mind failing. I have been trying to eat just three meals a day instead of snacking 24/7 but that is hard and so I'm hungry and waiting for dinner. But it's all good. oh right and we are getting a new dog this Monday. She is part lab, part samoy, all white and pretty. Her name is Neala. I think Dori will be happy to have a friend.
YOU'RE GETTING A NEW DOG!!!!!!!!! thats so fun, i want a dog so bad!
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