
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Green Eyed Musicians

You know you are a great band when songs like this don't make your albums. I'm jealous of talented bands.

Fly Farther
By: Jars of Clay

"He picked her up some flowers on a Sunday afternoon
Set out on the porch swing underneath the crescent moon
A lifetime seemed to pass staring at the skies
And on the swing he gave her the ring
There were tears in her eyes
He said 'I pray I'm not alone in my dreams about forever
That you and I could become one and always be together
We'd grow old and wise through all the days
For worse or for better
And I'll be true beside you
Now more than ever'

My time flies but we'll fly farther
Into the night where the eyes of loneliness can never bother
All the dreams of together
Uneclipsed by never never
My time flies
I see it in your eyes
But we'll fly farther

Fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
The tears that we have cried have overflown
And here we are counting scars
Wounds of life's unending upsets
You with me, and I with you, and I will never forget

My time flies but we'll fly farther
Into the night where the eyes of loneliness can never bother
All the dreams of together
Uneclipsed by never never
My time flies
I see it in your eyes
But we'll fly farther

He picked her up some flowers on a Sunday afternoon
Road the greyhound bus past the house they used to swoon
He knelt beside the grave hung his head a teardrop fell
On the stone the epitaph shown the words he knew so well...

My time flies but we'll fly farther
Into the night where the eyes of loneliness can never bother
All the dreams of together
Uneclipsed by never never
My time flies
I see it in your eyes
But we'll fly farther"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Couldn't Have Done It Without Your Support (All Of You)

Once again, it's been awhile. But hey there's a lot going on... or at least that's what I keep telling myself as opposed to "I'm just to lazy to get on the computer and type". So as you know, I graduated. It was nice... aside from the rain and the killer headache (I seriously thought I might die). But with all that behind us, it was a great night. It's always nice to actually accomplish something and even nicer to make the people you love proud. A big part of my happiness was just seeing their happiness. Indeed it was a good night. Colvin were together from Sunday night to Monday night of the following week, so the whole week plus was wonderful.

Work's been good and very good. I do love my job and it doesn't hurt that my job loves me. My boss gave me both of the two weeks this summer I asked off for. She said she would give me more hours this summer and asked if I was willing to work nine hour days. Yeah! Sure that's a long day but it means money and that's something I need. I also got a raise at work so I'm happy 'bout that too. But the greatest thing about my boss is that she really helping me to get a job at a site very close to where I'll be going to school. She called the director there and gave me a great recommendation. I'll call her tomorrow to talk to her and see if they need/want me. I get to go back to the job I have now over the summer if I want and already have hours over winter break. The goal is to be the least in debt as possible after college and for the shortest possible amount of time.

Things at home... lots of digging. We're fixing our pond, and lets just say it's a whole lot of work.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blub Blub Blub...

I don't really know what to write about. I mostly miss Elsa and have lots of pictures that need to be posted so figured I start with this one. I love her. I'm so proud of her for getting her associate's degree. I can't wait for next year. Yea work! That's what I get to do with my summer. Work and save money. I'm not working as many hours as I want right now so that kind of stinks. Hopefully I'll survive the summer with my sanity. I got a raise. Not that much but it's still cool. Elsa's the best.

Friday, May 18, 2007

An Overly Exuberant Look At The Recent Goings On

School is over. I am sitting in Elsa's house. She is at work. I am waiting for her. It is Friday. We are going to my house. She graduated. I am proud. She has a college degree. I do not. Two more years of school are left. Then she will have two degrees and I will have one. I wish I was five. It has been a good week. We went some places. We did some activities. As always I try to maintain sanity. I am seven. Life is good. My brain stinks. No more thoughts. Not today.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I'm done. No more exams for me... until next semester. But we're not thinking about that! I could cry I'm so happy. Summer is really here now. Hurray! I had a history final 8:00-10:00 and then a math final 10:30-12:30. They went surprisingly well. Now I just have a final project to hand in at 1:30. I might have a couple things to email my professor but the main thing is that it's nothing big, no projects or exams. Now I get to focus on what I have to hand in to my next school. And I get to clean my room. And I get to help with the gardens outside and get a suntan. And I get to work more hours and make more money. And I get to see Colvin in four days... for a whole week. Summer is so good. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just plain lying. Guess that's all for now. Smile 'cause it's sunny!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hello, How Are You Doing Today?

Well it's been a while. Everything is going pretty well I guess. School is almost over with so that's cool. Two exams down down two to go. I don't care about exams. That's a sucky attitude but it's the best I can do. It's been a long semester and it's so close to being over I struggle to care any more. I have had so many projects due in the past couple of weeks I guess I'm just kind of burnt out. Hopefully I'll still manage to pull off A's and B's. Actually I'm not too worried about A's and B's I'm more worried about blowing the A's I've worked hard all semester for. I'll make it either way.

Summer is coming so that's cool. I can't wait for it. Summer is incredible based on principle alone. Trips to beaches and camping and other such joys are just icing on the cake. Working pretty much full-time this summer will probably have it's lame moments but I suppose it'll all be worth it in the end. Saving money is hard. It's always easier to spend money than it is to save it I suppose. The more hours I work the more money I'll make the better things will be in the future. I need to just stay focused. Summer will be good work or not.

Next week I'm doing nothing. Well not really. But nothing that requires very much effort on my part. Mostly just watching Elsa get awards and being proud of her. Nothing too dificult. Actually that all happens pretty naturally. I can't wait for next week even if it doesn't end in beachy goodness. Some other kind of goodness will just have to be had instead.

I can't wait for this semester to be over mostly. Next year will be better. It can't help but be. My school and work schedule shouldn't be quite as crazy and there is a certain other factor, or should I say person, that will make everything that much better. Oh yeah did I mention I love Elsa. She makes summer that much better. Well summer and everything that is. I love the beach and I love it more because she loves it. I wish I was at the beach. No, I wish we were at the beach.

Alright enough wasting your lives reading this blog, go invade a farm or something. Seriously go dig a trench. Really do it. Now.

P.S. I thought I'd change the color for spring.