My Better Half
Elsa never ceases to amaze me. How no matter how aweful I feel I can help but smile or laugh when she smiles at me. How everytime I hold her hand or touch her cheek it's like the first time all over again. How seeing her smile or looking into her eyes still blows me away. How things I've done with her a million times stime never cease to blow me away.
I'm mostly just amazed that she would want me to be part of her life. I remember the first time I heard that she wanted to be a teacher. It was long before we were courting. We were sitting in the back of a pick-up truck (not alone of course) hidding from the beasts of the forest. I remember thinking that a teacher was the perfect job for her. I don't remember if I told her that or not, at the time but I know I thought it. I have always been so impressed by just how together Elsa is. I'm so thankful that she would want to be a part of her dreams and watching them come true.
I'm so proud of her. I love watching her take the steps toward her dreams coming true. i wish I had my future as planned as she does. I'm so glad that she got into Towson. Not because I want her to go there I don't know where I want her to go I'm just happy because I know it means so much to her. I'm proud of her for everything she's done and for where she's going with her life.
I wish I was as put together as she is.
"All my life
I've been searching for you
How did I survive
In this world before you
Cuz I don't wanna live another day without you now
This is the best thing
The best thing that could be happening
And I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me
All I'm gonna have
Is all that you can give me
And I'll give right back
Everything I have in me
Cuz nothing ever felt as right
As this does right now
I'll go back to before we met
Can I erase the past
Try harder to forget 'cuz
Nothing will ever be as good as here and now
Cuz when I looked into your eyes
And you dared to stare right back
You should've said 'Nice to meet you, I'm your better half'"
thankyou. i love you. so much.
Congrats, see Elsa, you are smart! Just if you do go there, watch out for Ryan Haase. And Peyton Streider. And any other people Colvin and I abused in grade school. He can give you the complete list.
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