
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Just a Day in the Life...

Not a whole lot going on today, nothing exciting at all in fact. I think maybe that's why I feel sort of (I can't find the right word so you can make one up) the way I do. Not like sad or mad or anything, just highly impatient for summer. Ah... completely uninthused (there's a word) about the rest of the semester and about the next three years of my life overrun with college college and more college. I sat though psychology for an hour and half and took like a whole two notes but drew lots of flowers and other random things. Oh and I played Tetris on my phone for a while. I don't know what is wrong with me. That's not me, to not even look up at the professor for the first half hour of class. Oh well, what can you do, summer will be here soon enough I guess.
There is one thing I am excited about though. This weekend. Tomorrow night. Colvin is coming up! Saturday we are all going to drive up to CT to hang out at my aunt and uncle's. I can't wait to see and be with him. Have I told you how much I love him? Yeah, no, I haven't because that would never fit into words like that. Anyway that does put me in a good mood when I think of him and when I think that we will be together in the very near future.
So tonight is work 3:00 to 6:00 and then home and eat dinner and waste time doing nothing and then talk to Colvin and probably fall asleep doing that. It's a good way to drift off to dream land. It's funny how I can't stay sad for very long. I think it's because...........

I'm in love!


Blogger tag said...

For some reason, rather than being nausiated I find that rather sweet...

Yep, something is really wrong with me...

11:37 PM  

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