Scary Hub Caps
Hi again. See, this is what happens, I get on the computer to write a paper and I end up on blogspot wasting more time writing to no one... or to the world (I'm not sure which). Anyway something scary did happen today. I was driving to school and was behind this mini car carrier thing. It was just carrying one Explorer. We were coming up to a traffic light when all of the sudden... BANG! A huge hub cap near the size of one of my tires flies off the truck coming my way. aahhhh. It hit the road and bounced like as high as the hood of my car and then thankfully headed in the other direction. Though it did add a little excitement to my my day it is not something I really want to experience ever again. So that was my story for the day. What fun. Alright well it's way too nice outside to be sitting in here on the computer so... I'm done.
Seeings as how hubcaps are commonly used in cheap scifi films as UFOs, I think you made out pretty well...
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